* King of the Kitchen *

Tattoo day breakfast

Breakfast of champions

Feed your body with the fuel it needs


Cook my eggs, sunny side up and prepared my steak medium rare, five minutes each side medium hot heat. Perfect breakfast to start the day and to make sure your body has everything it needs going into a tattoo appointment.

ingredients, directions

4- eggs

1- Create of blueberries

1- 6 ounce tenderloin steak

•Cook the eggs on medium low heat for five minutes salt pepper to taste.

• depending on how you like your steak I recommend five minutes each side high medium heat for a medium cooked steak. That temperature is perfect for your standard grocery store Thickness.

Anti up boys this meal right here is the fuel you need to crush your goals and stay healthy mind and body. this is my new go to.

Hahaha grow up and eat like a man.

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